What is an escalation clause? Here is a cliff notes version

May 13, 2021

Escalation clauses are all the rage in real estate these days. Buyer agents are including them in more and more offers as a way to give their clients an opportunity to compete for a property. So what are escalation clauses? Simply put, an escalation clause is the buyer telling the seller that they will pay a certain price for their home but if the seller gets a higher offer, the…


5 things to consider before starting the home buying process

January 20, 2021

When deciding to buy your own home, it is important to prepare in advance to enter the market. Simply waking up one morning and deciding to buy a home is not the way to go about it. You have to have a game plan when it comes to entering the market. It starts before you even contact an agent. These five steps may seem like no brainers and trivial but…


6 New Years Resolutions for Buyers

December 31, 2020

New Years Eve is upon us. It’s out with 2020 and in with 2021. If you have thought about buying but have decided to hold off, this could be the year you finally take the plunge and buy your dream home. In order for you to buy that dream home, you need to commit to the process. So, with that said. Make six resolutions that you will stick to when…


Fall is a great time to buy. Don’t let it pass you by

September 21, 2020

It is funny how conditioned people are in the northeast when it comes to the seasons. I recently spoke to a couple who was thinking of buying a home but said they are holding off until the spring. When I asked them why? They said it’s the fall. There are no houses on the market. I did a double take and proceeded to tell them that the fall is a…